Meet the team
The philosophy of Ubuntu has sculpted our team, "I am because we are". This African philosophy explains that we define ourselves by how we treat others.

Meet the team
The philosophy of Ubuntu has sculpted our team, "I am because we are". This African philosophy explains that we define ourselves by how we treat others.
Kintan van Leeuwen
Elisah Sauerbier
Wathmi Fernando
Anastasia Pinkse
Ashwini Karunathilaka
Rosalie van den Berg
Chennery Cardenas
Roelof Jonkers
Chula Samarawickrama
Xanthe Jaya
Alex Rowe
Sarah van Leeuwen
Daniella Fernando
Dumindhi Nanayakkara
Liris Simoes
Iyantha Pandithakoralege
Karththikan Nagularajha
Tara Maria Flynn
Hanin Makarem