International Day of Children’s Rights
Today is the 31st anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of a Child, which the United Nations adopted on the 20th of November, 1989. International Children's Rights Day is a yearly celebration, however, it is also a reminder of the importance of these rights. Despite every child having the shared right to an education, up until this day there are still children that are deprived of their rights. There should be no distinction between the possibilities for children born in different parts of the world, but in reality, this is often the case.
Due to the pandemic, 2020 has put Children’s Rights under additional pressure.
Yet, even before COVID-19 1 out of 5 children were out of school globally.
Little Leaders participates in fulfilling Children's Rights in the field of education. The objective of our organization is to make education accessible to all children across the world. We aim to achieve this by executing various projects with regards to education, and today marks the beginning of our newest project: ‘Sponsor A Child’. We aim to create a financial support-system for children who find themselves in difficult home situations and are therefore hindered from attending school. This support system will consist of individual sponsors who fund the school supplies of the children selected by us. We match the children to sponsors and create a personal and meaningful experience for both parties. The sponsors will receive updates in the form of newsletters about the sponsored child’s educational journey! Thus, by choosing to Sponsor A Child you will not just be a sponsor, you will be a study buddy!
We believe in the potential of every child. Every child should have the opportunity to be a child and be able to play, learn, grow and dream. There are concerns that children's shoulders cannot bear the burden of and will influence the child's view of the future. We particularly encourage children in unfavourable circumstances to dream beyond the barriers of their environment, because this is the only way to break free from them. Poverty is perpetuated through a cycle that can, in particular, be broken through universal access to education. Education provides children with knowledge and guidance to further develop themselves and create better circumstances for their future, and the future of their society.
Do you want to be a part of supporting Children’s Rights, regarding education?
Become a Study Buddy today and create a better tomorrow for our Little Leaders!