Start of the school year
Little Leaders Foundation and all those involved wish everyone a blessed 2021! As we turn the page on 2020, we have provided a chance for others to open an entirely new chapter in their lives: education! Today is officially the start of the new school year (in Sri Lanka). Our Little Leaders, the class of 2021, have received their school packages during the holiday season and went to school with filled backpacks this morning!
In collaboration with our Foreign Representative, Mr Kaluarachchilage, we have organized a donation day and gathered all our Little Leaders for a celebratory afternoon. We thought it was of the utmost importance that our Little Leaders had the opportunity to meet each other. On this day, they were able to recognize their similar circumstances and the strength in uniting together. Besides just providing the children with school supplies, we want to create a community of Little Leaders - children who, despite their personal circumstances, focus on developing their knowledge, skills and talents.
Despite each child’s potential, it is a confronting fact that children will have more opportunities in the future with a school diploma. That is why we encourage the children to complete their school career and develop themselves as much as possible. The contribution of our sponsors has made a life-changing impact on the lives of the children in our program.
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” - Jane Goodall
We are grateful for the trust of our sponsors and the help we have received to move closer to our goal of making education accessible to all children across the world. In our opinion, achieving a goal begins with daring to take the first step. With this donation day, we mark our first step!